Matica S3200 Duo

Central Issuance

Thanks to the Dual Feeder module, which is part of the new MDM (Matica Desktop Modules) architecture, the S3200DUO can handle two type of cards at the same time, providing a compact and affordable solution when printing two types of cards is required (example: Mastercard and VISA).

Composed of two removable cartridges, it ensures easy and reliable loading while an exception slot is always available for slow runners allowing the issue of a third type of card if needed. Each cartridge can load up to 100 cards (30 mil) providing a total input capacity of 200 cards

What do we offer ?

  • Supply
  • Service
  • Parts
  • Consumables - cards, ribbons and accessories

More information about Instant Issuance

What is instant issuance responding to?

Matica understands that the changing market dynamics affecting the evolving financial industry, brings new challenges for the financial sector. The limited economic recovery, low interest rates and fee regulation have forced banks to examine new ways of making money– and saving money. Branches need to deliver a high-quality customer experience that is fast, hassle-free and highly personalized yet establishes deeper customer relations. In addition to the worldwide adoption of EMV regulations, the market needs solutions to help them resolve these transformational challenges.

Matica’s comprehensive instant issuance solutions provide the opportunity to personalize cards in real-time at the branch level and to deliver immediately into consumers’ hands. As a feature of improved in-branch experience service, this ‘immediacy’ helps to galvanise the modernization of bank branches. It helps customer retention by serving them in a fast-moving digital era, so the choice of the right instant issuing solution is critically important.

Benefits of instant issuance to banks

  • Cost savings in mailing since debit or credit cards are no longer mailed
  • Immediate purchase power; cards activated in branch
  • Further revenue possibilities through instant allocation
  • Customer loyalty
  • Reduction of inactive cards

Instant issuing advantages to card holders

  • Immediacy of collecting the debit or credit card in branch, avoid long waiting times
  • Reduced risk of mail fraud
  • Activation done on collection
  • Cardholder can use card right away
  • Quick replacement of lost or stolen cards

Secure instant issuance solutions

Knowing that security is essentially important when using instant issuance solutions, Matica ensures that all instant issuance systems include the Matica Financial Security Pack for physical and logical security.

Physical security

  1. Concealed output and reject hoppers
  2. Key locks to secure access to input, output and reject hoppers
  3. Secure consumable access
  4. Kensington® lock for equipment protection
  5. Table anchoring bolts

Logical security

  1. Device password protection
  2. Encrypted data communication
  3. Print data scrambling function
  4. Tag protected ribbons with project codes
  5. PCI-DSS compliant software integration tools (Matidesk SDK)
  6. Cards counter production history not resettable

Matica’s financial instant issuance portfolio

Known for being best in class, Matica’s instant issuance equipment is flexible and adaptable with the potential to be easily reconfigured as an organization’s needs change and grow. Easy to maintain and use. The S3000 line represents a complete range of desktop products with reliable card instant issuing solutions developed to meet the growing trends for instant and in-store card issuance.

The S3000 line features printing and/or embossing systems that makes them the perfect fit to the needs of financial institutions or any other company of any size seeking simple and cost-efficient products to meet low-volume or instant card issuance requirements.


  • Prepaid Card Printing
  • Credit and Debit Card Printing

Key Strengths

  • 300 x 300 dpi, dual-sided printing.
  • Dual Feeder (2 x 100 cards).
  • Mag ISO and Contact/Contactless chip encoding.
  • Superior print quality and reliability.


  • Lamination unit.
  • On-board PC.
  • Security: UV printing.
  • Single-wire connectivity.

Technical Specifications

  • Method: Dye sublimation, Thermal Transfer.
  • Mode: Retransfer
  • Resolution: 300 dpi.
  • Encoding: Magnetic stripe, Contact chip, Contactless chip.
  • Format & Materials: ABS, ISO CR80, PC, PET, PVC.
  • Feeder: 2 x 100-card feeder.
  • Connectivity: High Speed USB 2.0
  • Consumables: SmartSupply
  • Printer Dimension (L X W x H): 581 x 343 x 360 mm (22.8” x 13.5” x 14.2”) | Weight: 21 kg (46.3 lbs).


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